Focus your time, energy and money on strategy that kicks!

Invest smarter in marketing

Build your unique brand(s)

Maximize your business potential

You started your business with a passionate idea

and you are dedicated to make it work.


Your business is growing – great! And you are more and more involved into it.

Or in its chaos?


Or maybe the results you expect are still not coming…


We will give you a professional clear overview on your business situation

and together we will create your successful business and marketing strategy. 

You face the challenge of a next
step-growth for your business?

Take a break from the every-day to-do list and schedule a meeting with us.
You will tell us about your situation, we will tell you how we can help.

You don’t have a business yet,
passionate idea?

You have the feeling of doing so many “things” and
still not getting the fair share of results?

We collected all our knowledge and experience in proven solutions for your business. For any product or service, for any B2C or B2B business, we have business & marketing tools that bring results.


Because they deliver results: your business is in order and you can leave it. To go to a vacation for a start.


There is a longer answer. That is why we created all the other pages on this website 😉


We are your outsourced marketing team, coming with 15+ years of world class marketing experience and having worked with 40+ clients the past 5 years.


We work mostly remotely, in small teams, together with our partners and with you – the business owners who are ready to grow their business.

What was the positive change for you and your team, as a result of our work together?

'First of all, a structure has been provided, to the marketing work. The logical responsibilities became crystal clear to the team-members, as well as the sense of knowing what they do and why they do it. The worth (of the team) has been realised and a logical direction (of the work) has been adopted.'

Zhelyazko Gagov

Head of Marketing at Optix JSC

The one thing you consider most beneficial for your business after our work together?

The way I communicate with my clients improved drastically. The knowledge and understanding I have now about who my clients are is priceless. I communicate through the lenses of my brand archetype. As a result the value of my services grew and I get positive client feedback.
I am clear what distinguishes me from competition and how to use it to improve my services and my messages.

Mihaela Georgieva

Leadership coach at

What do you see as the biggest worth of your work with the consultant?

'Adequate, prompt and realistic (sometimes sobering) input provided on each and every inquiry I made to Gergana! I never got a feeling of being left alone to cope with a situation.
My self-confidence grew, as we were advancing with the project. Now I knew I can pull this off! I saw the value of my brand and the market of my products.'

Valentina Taligarova

Creativepreneur, owner at Còshara baby

The one thing you consider most beneficial to you and your business was?

'Definitely that would be the wide, general look at business matters, that drives arguments and focus in new products development. The Business Planning training that we had gave birth to key insights and ideas that are being brought to live.'

Zhelyazko Gagov

Head of Marketing at Optix JSC.

What was the positive change for you as a result of our work together?
'I made important changes in the way I present my product, as well as in the pricing policy. We worked together to make corrections in the marketing funnel of the business. I received ready to use strategies for marketing campaigns as well as structures for future campaigns which I can then develop on my own. Also it was of great help, that the consultant participated in my meetings with digital agencies.'

Mimi Doncheva

Founder at

Easier said than done

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